
KwilDB is a decentralized, permission-less SQL database that enables developers to easily store data sets on top of decentralized architecture. By natively supporting complex SQL queries, prepared statements, transactions, WebSocket connections, and a filesystem, KwilDB makes it extremely easy for Web2 native developers to begin building on Web3.

KwilDB has temporarily disabled transactions and WebSocket connections while implementing Proof-of-Secret. We tentatively plan to reintroduce these in 2-3 weeks, however if it is a piece of functionality you need, we can re-implement it sooner.

How it works?

KwilDB operates with a system of validators. For any data moat, parties who are interested in securing the validity of the data can stake tokens. The highest staker running a node is the "lead validator", while any other staker running a node is a "peer-validator". The lead validator role can be delegated to any Arweave wallet, allowing application developers to delegate the responsibility of running a node.

Currently, since KwilDB is in testnet phase 0, Kwil is running lead validators for all users.

All data submissions to Arweave are made by the lead-validator. If the lead-validator submits incorrect / malicious data, or fails to submit data, peer validators have the opportunity to correct the state of the network. This ensures that data submitted to a moat is valid.

Last updated