Data Feeds


Kwil enables the utilization of a variety of asynchronous data feeds. These data feeds are simply methods of abstracting information organization complexity await from the end user, allowing for data-moat owners to easily funnel information to their communities. Below, we will cover some of the basic data feeds supported by Kwil.

It is worth noting that for all queries, usernames must be in all lowercase, and group names must be in all uppercase.

User Posts

A user post data feed is simply a chronological aggregation of all posts made by a user. Basic configuration options are able to be passed to select the starting point, as well as the amount of posts returned:


Furthermore, it is possible to specify the type of post being received by deciding between short and long form content. Internally, these methods are called getThoughts and getThinkpieces:

#Short Form

#Long Form

User Feed

In order to enable the content consumption capabilities of a platform like Twitter, Kwil allows for chronological querying of individual user feeds. These feeds are comprised of all users and group posts an individual follows, as well as any identified admin accounts for that moat:


Kwil also enables users to distinguish between whether or not they want to receive posts from only users that they follow, or only groups that they are a part of:

#Only users

#Only Groups

Group Feeds

On top of being able to query posts from all groups a user follows, it is also possible to query only posts from one single group:


Post => Comment Feeds

Finally, Kwil enables discussion to occur by allowing feeds to exist inside of feeds. This is done by tagging a post to another post, after which it will only exist within that feed. Post type can be specified as either "post" or "comment", allowing for any arbitrary number of feeds to exist within each other. This allows for a system similar to Reddit, however the user interface limits this to only two internal feeds:


Spotlight Curated Feed

Kwil is currently working to implement a spotlight feed feature, in which data-moat owners will be able to pick and choose curated pieces of content to be shown to their members.

Last updated